Video background

Full-width block with YouTube video background and flexible configuration, free vertical and horizontal content alignment. 

Nachrichten Script

Einbau direkt ohne Modifikationen am Script. Lediglich die Scripte von Mobirise entfernt.
CSS von Tommy übernommen, weil Bilder nun richtig dargestellt werden
Oben im Menü Aktuelles aufrufen

Letzte Änderung: 14.04.2024 18:18 Uhr

Enter your subtitle here

You can use content blocks to arrange your articles, large texts, instructions. Combine these blocks with media blocks to add illustrations and video tutorials. You can use various content blocks to work with your text. Add quotations, lists, buttons. Select your text to change its formatting or add links. Mobirise is a simple website builder that helps you create amazing web pages without knowing any code.